
Free shipping courier in Bangalore. 

Courier or shipping charges negotiable. Please chat and finalise. Will be included in product price.  Due to weight.  

whatever shown is being sent through courier. sealed - sealing and weather proof package. All products long tested and being supplied to orders. 

selling song is downloadable digital file and delivered through email - with link - one click and you get the song. 


msme registered. selling cosmetics perfumes and machines. Also making song and selling.

Time tested products - and experience of selling to makeup artist. hair stylist. and expert professionals - from the owner -  of this site Mr. Ketan - spanning so many years - have made this selection & collection very much tailor made suitable and personal - safe. 

As a hobby - making song - natural gift - inheritance human element and understanding the format of making song - resulted in creation of tune - writing lyrics and singing best whatever and however voice is. It is best composition of tunes words and voice. Copyright also registered accepted worldwide. First out of 114 songs made so far.